St. Stephen's Church

Bideford Way, Cannock, Staffs. WS11 1QD

Easter Chorus

St Stephen's has always been a church that loves to sing praise to God. After St Stephen's Choir and Gospel Choir were both forced to close we needed a new way to be a choir. So the Easter Chorus was born. We first met a few weeks before Easter 2022 to bring together anyone who wanted to sing at the Easter Sunday service. Since then we meet together for 5 or 6 weeks before any major service where we are invited to sing.

So far we have sung at services for Easter, Harvest and Christmas as well as Rev Nigel's Farewell and Rev Sam's Welcome.

Look out for future practice dates or talk to Roger for more information.

Practices are Friday evenings, 7.30 to 9.00pm but we do not practice all throught the year so check with Roger.

Contact: Roger