St. Stephen's Church

Bideford Way, Cannock, Staffs. WS11 1QD

Church Service Details

Worship at St Stephen's

There will be a service at St Stephen's every Sunday. Details are in the table below.

For Local Arrangements the name given in brackets is the person coordinating the service.

5th January 10.30am Alice Boot
12th January 10.30am Deacon Sue Culver
19th January 10.30am Rev Chris Ambler Covenant Service
26th January 10.30am John Devey
2nd February 10.30am Circuit Service at Great Wyrley
9th February 10.30am LA Sharon & Martin
16th February 10.30am John Devey
23rd February 10.30am Karen Brown

The full circuit plan is available here.

The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated regularly at St Stephen's. At least one 10.30 Sunday service each month will include Holy Communion.

Mid Week Communion

The mid week Communion will now be on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10.00am.
The servicess will be preceded by a time of prayer from 9.15 to 9.45.
Please feel free to attend either or both of these.
See calendar for details.